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Russian and Soviet Humor
Russian and Soviet humor at its best.
1000 years of Russian state, 73 years of Soviet Power and 6 years of
Perestroika produced a number of enlightening, educational and inspirational
anecdotes, short stories, aphorisms, etc. that we proudly present here.
I have converted some of the best humor here to HTML format,
so that you can fully enjoy its high quality content.
Remeber, it is all in KOI-8.
Here is a list of HTML humor:
- PopAndSobaka
A terrifying story about Pop and Sobaka who loved each other so much that ...
- Stalin 20+7
20+7 Short Stories About Stalin by Dmitriy Prigov.
Truly amazing previously unknown details from life of
the Father of The People.
- Command.Com
Nostalgic stories about Comrade Command.Com and Silicon Life,
DOS Crisis and Great Russification.
- Yeltsiniana
Collection of Odes that celebrate and discover the current Great Leader.
Boy, we got so many humor units here, that we had to classify them.
Humor Classification
- alt
Alternative stuff: Mit''ki, Narki, Korovy, etc.
- army
Army humor
- assorted
Assorted anecdotes and stuff
- classix
Heavy Classix:
1001 political anecdotes, Chukcha, Vovochka, Rzhevsky, Fedot Streletz, etc.
- high-tech
High-tech stories and anecdotes:
Computers, tov. Command Com, Pochtalyon Pechkin, Winnie Pooh.
- lenin-n-stalin
Recollections of Old Bolsheviks on Dear Leaders and Favorite Comrades.
- literaturnye
Literary anecdotes: Pushkin, Platonov, and muzhiki.
- musical
Musical anecdotes.
- oster
Oster: Vrednye Sovety, Physics.
- pictures
Fun pictures.
- rasskazy
Short stories.
- shtirlitz
Spy vs Spy: Standartenfuhrer SS Shtirlitz vs Colonel Isaev.
Also you can check out
Writesr P. N. Ass and N. O. Begemotov
page who claim that have written some of Shtirlitz stories.
- stishki
Verses: Pop and Sobaka, etc.
- thoughts
Deep thoughts.
- ukraine
Ukrainian anecdotes: Mumu, etc.
- xxx
Barkov and his followers.
Guest Stars
- Pisateli Ass and Begemotov
seem to be the authors of the Shtirlitz novels (not all of them).
- Aleksandr Golubev
is the author of Commnad.Com and other interesting poems and songs.