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Art, Culture and Politics
Art and Culture
is an undertaking by Leonid Delitsine and others that are
trying hard, very hard to find "Best Russian On-Line Literature"
on the Net and publish it online.
MITKI do not defeat anybody!
(whispering) This is why they will win the world.
Ykrop is a group of arts people in New York.
Gusarskiy Klub.
Keywords: russian, gusarskij club, gusary, gospoda, vodka, karty, preferans,
zhenschiny, rzhevskij, poruchik, zhopa.
Chistyakov Music
is an article about Fedor Chistyakov from the Russian classic
restaurant punk group Nol'' (Zero) that appear in the magazine Med'ved'.
Alexandra Pakhmutova page
has about 200 texts of her songs, information about her
nearest concerts and other related information.
Russian Song lyrics
MIT Russian club.
First Germany Aquarium Page.
The site is all about Aquarium, with a lot of stuff on the band.
Design of the site is a disaster, though.
N. Zh. M. D.
is a rather cool site by Artemy Lebedev.
is a literary site by Anton B. Nikitin.
Public Library of Vladimir Vysotsky
has 640 verser by Vladimir Vysotsky.
Tolstoy Library
is dedicated to the collection and dissemination of
electronic text materials related to the life and work of Lev
Nikolayevich Tolstoy.
is a site for Tolkien fans who understand Russian.
Almanah "Stranstviya"
posvjaschen vzaimootnosheniyam ezoterizma, religii, nauki, geopolitiki,
iskusstva i sovremennogo obschestva.
Cultural Provocations
is an interesting and provocative work by Sergy Datsuk.
Music archive.
Since Russians and xSovoks like all kinds of music,
not only balalaika and garmoshka tunes,
this archive is very international in its nature.
It contains BMG mail-order catalogue,
In House Music mail-order catalogue,
list of CD mail-order firms, etc.
Buy Russian Objects
Sovietski Collection
is a monumental mail order in California.
Lots of good old authentic Soviet stuff.
They even have the old "Zheleznyj Felix" mechanical calculators.
Page Abramova
presents the best in Russian Art to consumers in the West.
Photo Journalism
A Russia Phototrack is a gallery of pictures of Russia and
essays on Russia. Interesting and diverse.
FotoCom is a page for Russian photographers by George Abramov
(the page itself is in Russian).
Current Newspapers, Magazines, Politics