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Russian Web |
This a list of Web sites that cover a broad range of issues related
to Russia, former Soviet Union republics, and Cyrillic software.
General Web Sites on Russia
Russian Universities, Research Institutes and Museums
Internet providers
Demos Plus is a computer network company based in Moscow.
One of the two RELCOM founders.
Demos/+ WWW talks to you in Russian, English and Esperanto.
Relcom Online at
Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Moscow, Russia.
KIAE is another RELCOM founder.
Mark ITT is a Communications Companty in Republic of Udmurtia, Russia.
PC Center "TECHNO" is an Internet provider in Moscow.
MVC Net is an Internet provider at Simbirsk, former Ulyanovsk.
ELVIS+ is a Russian company based in Moscow.
SOVAM Teleport is a joint Soviet-American venture.
Web Sites about Russia and for Russians
Chertovy Kulichki
is a well illustrated site -- all in Russian.
is a site created by Zak May who:
(1) Did a Russian emigrant-pop CD with songs he composed, performed, and arranged;
(2) Lives in San Fancisco area;
(3) Is a heavy smoker.
Komkon Site
is a Russian site that, among other things,
maintains an archive of books in Russian.
New England Russian Community Network,
as the name implies, is a site for Russians who, live in
the New England (North East of the United States).
Stack Ltd is a Web-related company in a Puschino, Moscow region.
Labirint is site with Crosswords, Puzzles, amd Chess Problems.
Ruscom is a page for Russian community in Melbourne, Australia.
Russian West is a russian language Web Site dedicated to
American West Coast and Russian Far-East.
Russian America is an undertaking by Web Ideas Intl.
Avtopilot is a Russian Magazine for car lovers
(для автолюбилтелей).
Cross is a magazine in Russian that also maintains a
list of Russia-related web sites (проект Русская Паутина).
Perestroika is a Russian-related site in Chicago.
Odessit is a site totally devoted,
as you may have guessed, to Odessa.
Effect-Posev is a site that
has some humor and literary works in Russian.
Russian Yellow Pages is a collection of links
to Russian-related Web sites.
Russian New York is for Russians or anybody else who happens
to live in New York City.
Echo of Moscow is a chat site for all people
who have not forgotten their Moscow roots.
Snip-Snap-Snurre is a newspaper for kids ages 7 to 14.
Mikhail Yeselson Pages is a collection of stuff
for Jewish refugess from Russia and Ukraine.
Law Offices of Rajiv Khanna
provide useful immigration information including list of INS offices, US consulates
and Immigration FAQ.
Immigration USA
is a rather big site devoted to various immigration issues.
Hawaii Lawyer
is yet another immigration site.
Russian Toronto is a russian community page in Toronto, Canada.
They help you to immigrate to Canada.
Russian Books, CDs, Art
Software Companies
Paragraph is a software company
founded by Russian researchers.
Pluris Inc is a company in Bay Area (Silicon Valley), California,
started up by Vadim Antonov.
MacCampus offers a number of Cyrillic and other European fonts.
OK! Software, Inc.
has developed the CD-ROM Hello Russia English to
Russian Multimedia Phrase Book for learning
conversational Russian. It runs on a multimedia
PC with MS Windows 3.1. Click on English
text to hear native Russian.
Travel-Related Companies
Business Information and Miscellaneous
Voice Of Russia radio station is a legal successor
to Radio Moscow.
RELIS is a business information firm.
In Russian.
Investor''s Corner is a page for Russian-speaking investors.
Maximov is a company that provides information
and news from Russia.
Palms Russian Public Library is a site at Ministry of Education of Russia.
I have not seen many works in Russian there, though.
Seems to be an excerpt from Project Gutenberg.