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S.I.B. Papers


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Communications and Technology
Internet and Computer Communications
S.I.B. Papers
is a collection of short essays about Internet.
All papers are in Russian.
is our answer to the "We give you only FTP write access to your Web site"
shocker that these days is often heard from Internet providers.
is a magazine about Internet.
It's like Wired, but it's all in Russian.
Both paper and on-line versions are available.
stands for Russian Federal University Computer Network.
It controls satellites that carries Internet traffic in Russia.
Russian Computer Law
may enlighten you on computer laws in Russia.
However, in Russia there is a saying that
"The laws in Russia are strict, but it is not strictly
necessary to comply with them".
TrubAddUrl is a Russian Internet adder
that submits your URL to Russia-related search engines.
Relcom and Internet
my archive on Russian Internet history, people and current issues.
Telephone Communications
Some useful information for international caller:
Country and City Codes
for most of the world.
10xxx codes
of the US long distance carriers.
is the company I use to call Russia from the US.
This is not their services endorsement.
I have their rates and some discussion about them.
You can contact them at 1-800-266-2006.
Telecom Archives
is an all-important collection of Telecom news and technical information.
Russian HighTech
is a Soviet-made computer that was popular in 1970-s.
Boy, I remember writing and debugging FORTRAN code for this όχν.
Moscow Subway
is the greatest and most mysterious subway system in the world, as we all know.
What is most interesting, nobody really knows how big it really is.
Many believe that secret subway lines do indeed exist in Moscow.
USSR is a Great Railroad Power
is a collection of things related to Russian and Soviet railroads and
Parovoz Iosif Stalin.
Ex-USSR Nuclear Technology
is a site just about that -- Soviet Nuclear Technology.
Do not expect to find there recipees for cooking atomic bombs, though.
Russian Aviation Museum.
Everything about Russian and Soviet aviation:
design bureaus, engines, pictures, aviation links.
Soviet Aircraft images.
This FTP site contains a number of JPG images of both
Soviet and Western aircrafts.
is a Russian Magazine for amateur astronomers.
Has a good graphics and interesting content.
Astronomy pictures.
Since many programmers, computer scientists and graduate students
from former xSU has or had some relation to astronomy (professional
and/or amateurish), we here store some astronomy pictures.
Most of them taken by Sergei Naoumov at Chile observatory.