Russify Everything
Soviet Russian Humor
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Russian, American Visas
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Visiting Russia
All info is now available from Russian Embassy in Washington, DC.
Visiting the United States
Here you can find:
Immigrating to the United Stated
Some people like country of their stay so much that they
come back later and stay for a long time.
is an INS site that contains most of the Immigration Law.
Anyone who has to deal with INS should read this,
before talking to a lawyer.
Official INS website
has a wealth of information on other Immigration topics too.
Getting US immigrant visas.
Articles from alt.visa.us which seemed to be of some interest to me.
Read this having in mind that these are opinions of the netters.
If you need a good advice, get a lawyer or become one.
Please not that this archive was not upgraded for some time,
so some files may be dusty/rusty.